Despite what many people believe, entrepreneurs are not born; plenty of business owners were not go-getters in their youth. The skills needed to be a strong and innovative leader can certainly be attained over a lifetime of learning. Many entrepreneurs are those who just happened to have a good idea, or they might even be people who started a new business near their retirement years, reinventing themselves in a completely unrelated field from their previous career. Regardless of the circumstances, there are some traits that people starting a business usually share. Check out these features to see if you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur yourself.
Many business analysts agree that creativity is one of the most beneficial characteristics you can have as a business owner. And this doesn’t just mean the obvious definition of “creative.” Each industry can harbor a certain type of creative mind, and it may be completely different than leaders in another type of field. Creative minds are open to new ideas, whether they come up with them or someone on their team is the creator. Innovation is less about giving credit to the initiator and more about recognizing the vision behind the idea. By bringing creativity to the business setting, an entrepreneur expresses curiosity and a desire to constantly alter what is possible.
There are plenty of people who have demonstrated the drive to create a new venture, only to get off track because they didn’t have the self-discipline needed to keep on schedule. Entrepreneurship requires an organized mind that can multitask and focus on goals while also being flexible enough to go with the flow when necessary. If you are not comfortable with ambiguity, you might not make the best business owner because, especially in the startup phase, there are a lot of unknowns. A self-disciplined mind is independent and ambitious, forging its own path and getting things done.
Tenacious entrepreneurs are not afraid of failure. On the contrary, they see it as an opportunity to grow and make improvements. After all, how would you know what works if you’ve never experienced something that didn’t? Persistent leaders keep on making adjustments and trying again because they are committed to their product and their customers. They also lead by example, demonstrating their tenacity and integrity to employees and others in the business community.
Although you may not describe yourself as competitive, most entrepreneurs admit that deep down, they want to win. A victory might not be against a competitor; instead the opponent might be yourself and your past achievements. If you are someone who doesn’t like to settle for second-best or who likes to be known as a change agent, then you have a competitive spirit. You have to be comfortable taking a gamble every now and then and trusting you will come out a winner. Entrepreneurs with this trait often are demanding, both of themselves and of others, but it also means they don’t cave easily.
Finally, it is no secret that starting and maintaining a business takes a great deal of time and energy. If you like to sleep in and have weekends off, entrepreneurship likely is not for you. Owners have to be able to work long hours and stay on task. They must be constantly trying to learn new techniques, find more information about their industry and experiment with different approaches to find what works best. This level of leadership can inspire others to reach their fullest potential as well.
If this list of traits makes you tired and nervous, you might be a better employee than employer. However, if you feel you have these characteristics and are energized by the ideas shared here, you might have what it takes to be an entrepreneur.
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