Successful Tech Talent Sourcing is Tied to the 3Cs
By David Nicola | 19th April 2017
Seasoned technical sourcer David Nicola explains why community, communication, and contact info are central to getting the job done right
After nearly a decade of social services work, David plunged into the workforce services world and never looked back. He got his start working on both sides of the fence - helping jobseekers land opportunities and helping employers make great hires - but these days, he helps find and attract insanely great engineering talent for ViaSat, a California-based broadband services and technology company. He's a firm believer in paying it forward, and accordingly, has shared his knowledge at SourceCon and a handful of other sourcing and recruiting conferences.
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By David Nicola | 19th April 2017
Seasoned technical sourcer David Nicola explains why community, communication, and contact info are central to getting the job done right